The Australian Cattle Dog & Chow Mix – Everything To Know

australian cattle dog chow mix

The Origins and Unique Blend of the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

When I first considered adding an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix to my family, I was captivated by the idea of owning a dog with such a unique blend of traits.

My journey began when I discovered that this mix combines the best of two fascinating breeds: the Australian Cattle Dog (or Blue Heeler) and the Chow Chow.

Unique Blend of the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

1. Australian Cattle Dog: The Loyal Worker

  • Developed in Australia, these dogs were bred for their strength, agility, and intelligence.
  • Known for herding cattle, they have also excelled in law enforcement and search and rescue.
  • Their protective nature makes them excellent companions for families.

2. Chow Chow: The Regal Guardian

  • Originating from China, Chow Chows are recognized by their lion-like mane and blue-black tongue.
  • They possess an independent, cat-like demeanor, but are deeply affectionate with their families.
  • Their strong-willed nature requires a patient and experienced owner.

When these two breeds are combined, the result is a dog that is both visually striking and full of personality.

My experience with this mix revealed a dog that could be both assertive and loving, requiring an owner who understands their unique needs.

3. Fun Traits and Characteristics

Living with an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix has been a learning experience. Here are some fun traits I observed:

Active and Intelligent

  • They are highly energetic and need plenty of physical and mental stimulation.
  • Their intelligence allows them to learn quickly but also means they can get bored easily.


  • Despite their strong-willed nature, they are affectionate and protective of their families.
  • They get along well with children and other pets, making them ideal family dogs.

Service Capabilities

  • Some mixes can serve as excellent service dogs due to their intelligence and loyalty.
  • Their herding instincts and protective nature make them natural guardians.
Living with an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

Owning this mix means being prepared for a dog that is always on the go, ready to explore, and eager to please. They are not just pets but true companions who are deeply involved in family life.

The Unique Appearance and Physical Traits of the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

1. A Blend of Strength and Grace

When it comes to appearance, the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix stands out. My dog, with his medium-sized, muscular build, embodies the best of both parent breeds.

Distinctive Coat and Coloration

  • Coat Type: Typically, they have a short, smooth coat that is easy to maintain.
  • Coloration: Most have the reddish-brown hue of the Australian Cattle Dog, with possible white markings from the Chow Chow.
  • Tail: Their tails can be long and slightly drooping, adding to their elegant appearance.

Size and Proportions

  • Medium Build: They are generally medium-sized, reflecting the herding and guarding pedigree of their parents.
  • Muscular Physique: Their strong build is a testament to their working dog heritage.

Every time I take my dog for a walk, people are fascinated by his appearance. He has a commanding presence, with a coat that shines in the sun and a physique that speaks of strength and endurance.

2. Temperament and Training

Owning an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix has taught me a lot about patience and consistency in training. Their temperament can be a mix of the independent Chow Chow and the loyal Australian Cattle Dog.

Intelligent and Alert

  • Quick Learners: They pick up commands quickly, but their intelligence can lead to stubbornness.
  • Alert and Protective: They are always on the lookout, making them excellent watchdogs.

Training Needs

  • Early Socialization: It’s crucial to start socializing them early to prevent any territorial or fear-based behaviors.
  • Positive Reinforcement: They respond best to positive reinforcement and consistent training methods.
Care for the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

In my experience, training my dog was both a challenge and a joy. His intelligence meant that he quickly learned commands, but his independent streak required me to be firm yet gentle in my approach. The bond we developed through training has been incredibly rewarding.

Health Considerations and Care for the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

1. Common Health Concerns

Just like any other breed, the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix has its share of health concerns. Through regular veterinary care and a good diet, I’ve been able to keep my dog in top condition.

Potential Health Issues

  • Joint Problems: Due to their active nature, they may be prone to joint issues like hip dysplasia.
  • Skin Conditions: The Chow Chow side of the mix may bring skin sensitivities that require attention.

Regular Care

  • Veterinary Check-ups: Regular vet visits are crucial to catch any potential health issues early.
  • Balanced Diet: A diet rich in nutrients helps keep their coat shiny and their energy levels high.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

  • Daily Exercise: They need plenty of exercises, such as long walks, runs, and playtime.
  • Mental Challenges: Providing them with puzzle toys and training sessions helps prevent boredom and destructive behavior.

Caring for my dog’s health has been a priority, and I’ve learned the importance of regular check-ups and a well-balanced diet. Ensuring he gets enough exercise and mental stimulation has also been key to his well-being.

2. Grooming of Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

Grooming is an important part of caring for an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix. Depending on the coat they inherit, grooming needs can vary.

Coat Care

  • Regular Brushing: If your dog has a short, smooth coat, a weekly brushing should suffice. However, if they have a thicker, fluffier coat like a Chow Chow, more frequent brushing is needed to prevent matting.
  • Bathing: Bathe your dog every 6-8 weeks or as needed. Be sure to use a dog-specific shampoo to avoid skin irritation.
Grooming of Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

Dental and Nail Care

  • Dental Hygiene: Regular teeth brushing is essential to prevent dental issues. Dental chews can also help keep their teeth clean.
  • Nail Trimming: Keep their nails trimmed to a comfortable length. If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, a professional groomer can assist.

Ear and Eye Care

  • Check Ears Regularly: Their ears should be checked regularly for signs of infection, especially if they have the more upright ears of the Australian Cattle Dog.
  • Eye Cleaning: Wipe their eyes gently with a damp cloth to prevent tear stains, particularly if they inherit the Chow Chow’s prominent eyes.

3. Diet: Feeding Your Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining the health and well-being of an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix. When I brought my dog home, I wanted to ensure they received the best diet possible to support their active lifestyle.

Nutritional Needs

  • High-Quality Protein: Given their active nature, these dogs require a diet rich in high-quality protein to support muscle development and energy levels.
  • Balanced Diet: Incorporate a mix of proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining a healthy coat and skin.
  • Portion Control: Despite their energy levels, it’s important not to overfeed them. Maintaining a healthy weight helps prevent joint issues and other health concerns.

Treats and Supplements

  • Healthy Treats: Opt for natural treats like carrots, apples, or specially formulated dog treats that align with their nutritional needs.
  • Joint Supplements: Given their predisposition to joint issues, adding a glucosamine supplement to their diet can support joint health as they age.

4. Tips for Adopting an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix

Bringing an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix into your home is a big commitment. Here’s what I learned from my adoption experience:

Choosing the Right Breeder or Shelter

  • Reputable Breeders: Look for breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs.
  • Shelters and Rescues: Many wonderful dogs are waiting for a home in shelters and rescues. Spend time with them to find the right match.

Preparing Your Home

  • Safe Environment: Make sure your home is safe and secure for a new dog, with no hazards they can get into.
  • Family Involvement: Ensure that all family members are on board and understand the responsibilities of owning this mix.
Why the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix is a Fantastic Choice

Adopting my dog was one of the best decisions I ever made. The joy and companionship he brings to my life are unmatched. I encourage anyone considering this mix to take the time to research and prepare, as they are a breed that requires commitment and care.

Final Thoughts: Why the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix is a Fantastic Choice

Owning an Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix has been a unique and fulfilling experience. They are not just pets; they are loyal companions who bring joy, energy, and love into your life.

Why They Make Great Pets

  • Loyal Companions: Their loyalty and protective nature make them excellent family dogs.
  • Active and Engaging: They are perfect for active families or individuals who love spending time outdoors.
  • Unique Personalities: Each dog is different, with a blend of traits from both parent breeds.

Considerations Before Adopting

  • Time and Effort: They require a lot of time, exercise, and mental stimulation.
  • Training Needs: Consistent training and early socialization are essential for a well-adjusted dog.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a dog that is both a challenge and a delight, the Australian Cattle Dog Chow Mix might be the perfect fit for you. My journey with this breed has been one of learning, growth, and deep companionship. I can’t imagine my life without my furry friend by my side.